

While in some ways I feel like I'm making absolutely no progress on Japanese - and it's become a game of vocabulary overall, I'm starting to feel more adapt. Even though there's still a lot of glancing over texts because I only know .1% of the words, I think I'm moving more up to .2%. (This is all an exaggeration of course.)
Most of the time I'm too lazy to pull out a dictionary - unless I'm reading something online that allows me to hover over it with Perapera-kun (oh, it's so bad). So when reading manga I usually just skim over it. Reading it in my head, happy that I "know" readings (because they're given there for me with furigana), but I miss alot of the meaning. And I get tired after 5 pages - or 10 depending on how long the text is. Yet I keep pushing myself to keep reading. Not all at the same time and I take breaks sometimes, but I am constantly giving up. That is to say, I read, give up, but come back read, give up. The key here is that I am constantly coming back.
About the only time I'll pull out the dictionary is when I've gotten sick of seeing the same thing over and over and having no idea what it means.
My listening is still pretty iffy. Sometimes I get things, sometimes I don't. I definately always get the really simple stuff - the go betweens, introductions. But once they start discussing the stock market I'm gone. Granted, even if it was written it would go over my head if it was about the stock market. But, for example, I understood Shouichi talking about his past in relation to Byakuran in the last chapter of Reborn. If I heard that being said, I wouldn't have understood much I think. So I need to improve my listening. For now, I've got a text and audio version of the first Harry Potter book. I'm going for it because I already know what happens so it helps me understand things through context. Looking at it written really helps out though. Hopefully I can move on to things that I haven't heard before, but can read and listen and then just listen and understand.
In other Japanese news, I'm going to attempt to try out Remembering the Kanji, again. I think I've tried it a few times. But I give up at SRSes too easily. But alas, I'll try it again anyways. And if I give up, oh well.
That's about all the news I have. Except that I just started reading a book called "Words and Rules" by Steven Pinker. I'm only a few pages into it, but it's interesting.

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