
Bae Yongjun Notes

I guess I never put up notes from the rest of the series, so this post is merely for that purpose.
Nothing informative unless that's what you were after.

오늘 今日
무슨 何
요일이에요? 曜日ですか?
월요일 月曜日
화요일 火曜日
수요일 水曜日
목요일 木曜日
금요일 金曜日
토요일 土曜日
일요일 日曜日

며칠 何月
일월 一月
이월 二月
삼월 三月
사월 四月
오월 五月
유월 六月
칠월 七月
팔월 八月
구월 九月
시월 十月
십일월 十一月
십이월 十二月

~일 ~日



공항 空港
어떻게 가요? どう行きますか?
타고 가요 乗ってきます
자동차 自動車
택시 タクシー
버스 バス

지하철 地下鉄
기차 汽車

비행기 飛行機
배 船
한국 韓国

호선 号線
번 番


몇 시 何時
출발해요? 出発しますか?
한시 一時
두시 二時
세시 三時
네시 四時
다섯시 五時
여섯시 六時
일곱시 七時
여덟시 八時
아홉시 九時
열시 十時
열한시 十一時
열두시 十二時

십오분 十五分
삼십분 三十分
사십오분 四十五分

오분 五分
십분 十分
이십분 二十分
이십오분 二十五分
삼십오분 三十五分
사십분 四十分
오십분 五十分
오십오분 五十五分

정각 丁度
반 半
오분전 五分前
십분전 十分前
십오분전 十五分前


저는 OO이에요. 私はOOです。
축하해요. おめでとう
사랑해요. 愛してます

환영해요. 歓迎します。
새해 북 많이 받으세요. 明けましておめでとう
힘내세요! 頑張ってください
생일 축하해요. 誕生日おめでとう

좋은 여행 되세요. 楽しい旅行を
안녕히 주무세요. おやすみなさい
여보세요? もしもし?
식사 하셨어요? 食事しましたか?

다녀오세요. 行ってらっしゃい
괜찮아요? 大丈夫ですか?
수고하셨어요. お疲れさまでした
감기 조심하세요. 風邪を引かないように


오늘 날씨는 어때요? 天気はどうですか?
맑아요. 晴れです。
흐려요. 曇ります。
비가 와요. 雨が降ります。

눈이 와요. 雪が降ります。
안개가 끼었어요. 霧が立ち込めました

바람이 불어요. 風が吹きます。
태풍이 불어요. 台風が吹きます

더워요. 暑いです。
추워요. 寒いです。
따뜻해요. 暖かいです。
시원해요. 涼しいです。


누구세요? どの方ですか?
할아버지 おじいさん
할머니 おばあさん
아버지 お父さん
어머니 お母さん

오빠 お兄さん(女性から)
언니 お姉さん(女性から)
남동생 弟
여동생 妹

형 お兄さん(男性から)
누나 お姉さん(男性から)

(no new words)


칠하세요. 塗ってください
빨간색 赤色
주황색 だいだい色
노란색 黄色

분홍색 桃色
초록색 緑色
갈색 茶色

흰색 白色
보라색 紫色
검정색 黒色
파란색 青色


주세요. ください
불고기 プルコギ
비빔밥 ビビンバ
김치찌개 キムチチゲ
된장찌개 テンジャンチゲ
냉면 冷麺

김밥 のり巻き
삽개탕 蓼鶏湯
칼국수 カルグクス
갈비탕 カルビタン
매운탕 メウンタン

하고 と

(no new words)


하고 싶어요? したいですか?
하고 싶어요. したいです
보고 싶어요. 見たいです
가고 싶어요. 行きたいです
그럼 어디로 갈까요? ではどこに行きますか?
쇼핑 ショッピング
백화점 デパート
낚시 釣り
바다 海
등산 山登り
산 山
목욕 入浴
목욕탕 浴場
영화 映画
영화관 映画館

축구 サーカー
축구장 サーカー場
산책 散歩
공원 公園
야구 野球
야구장 野球場
독서 読書
도서관 図書館
식사 食事
식당 食堂

(no new words)

(no new words)



My Korean and Me

It's been a while, not that you were paying attention. [Because I don't think there are any "you"s I'm actually talking to.]

I finished the Bae Yong Jin Game, kind of. There are three levels that get harder as you do them - i.e. they take away certain things. And I got to level three, and I'm suck at the doing month/day/day of the week. Because I can't remember all three. And I... kind of gave up.

Right now, I'm at the point where I can't really say... anything in Korean, but I know all the sounds. So I can pretend like I'm saying something, but anybody who knows Korean will know that I can't speak a word. And now that I'm at that point, it can only get better from here. So I'm going to lay out my plans for Korean now.

Right now I'm going through the video lessons on this one website. It's in Japanese. Which, I really like. Because it means I'm learning some new Japanese - mostly "boring" grammar terms, but it's still Japanese - and since Japanese and Korean are a lot more similar than Korean and English, it gives me a lot better of a feel for the language, because of comparisions I can make.

Besides that, I have a few other sources for studying materials, but I'll wait until I'm finished with the Japanese site.

I'm also going with the AJATT method - except AKATT?
I'll use the sentences from the Japanese site, as well as Naver example sentences. Naver is a wonderful resource, not to mention it's so... user-friendly. That is, the url links often have the English of whatever you're clicking, so even if you don't know that the Korean you're clicking on means "news", the English in the link will tell you.

This was supposed to be some kind of informative post about where I'm going with Korean, but it turned out not to be structured how I really wanted. Ah, my blogging skills need some work.

Back to note taking on Human Sciences in relation to the Theory of Knowledge...


To Be Continued...

Foreign Languages have undoubtedly played a large role in my life for the past few years.
However, recent events are causing me to put them on the back burner
It's not something I want to do. But I must.
Hopefully my little stretch will last no longer than a week or two.


Day 4

Not into talking much today, just update.
I did two lessons.

Lesson 5:
좋아해요? 好きですか?
네 はい
좋아해요. 好きです。
아니요 いいえ
좋아하지 않아요. 好きではないです。
개 犬
닭 ニワトリ
고양이 猫

돼지 豚
뱀 蛇
소 牛

쥐 ネズミ
토끼 ウサギ
호랑이 虎

원숭이 猿
비둘기 鳩

Lesson 6:
얼마예요? いくらですか?
엔 円
일 一
이 二
삼 三
사 四
오 五
육 六
칠 七
팔 八
구 九

십 十
백 百
천 千
만 万
-> Steps 3 and 4 didn't have new words.


Day 3

Todayy was Day 3 of Bae Youngjun gameplaying.
I only did one lesson today Lesson 4, of course.
선물가게는 어디에있어요? お土産屋はどこにありますか?
똑바로 真っすぐ
왼쪽으로 左に
오른쪽으로 右に
가세요 行って下さい

가다가 行って
사거리 交差点
에서 で'

우체국 郵便局
영화관 映画館
은행 銀行
백화점 デパート

병원 病院
커피숍 コーヒーショップ
식당 食堂
슈퍼마켓 スーパーマーケット

I'm actually kind of excited for tomorrow's lesson. I finally get to learn the I like ~ and I hate~ kind of sentence pattern.

This weekend, I'm going to try and do my first short-story piece for here.
I'm debating how exactly I should do it.
My first thought was to go with 人殺し権 (http://www.lin-rido.com/hito.html), since I've already read part of it, and intensely dissected it. But I still have a long way to go before finishing. It's almost 400 segments long - I think. I added them up a while ago.
My other option is to do some of the short stories from... http://hukumusume.com/douwa/. They're elementary-school aged and several of them have attached audio.
My idea for formatting my post is as so: http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/r09200829/49142985.html
Except I'll add boxes for readings of kanji. By boxes I mean... you put your mouse over the word and it'll pop up a little definition in a box. It's an alternative to using ruby tags.
I might add some key vocab if I'm up to it.
We'll see if my weekend will allow for it though... Later.


Bae Yongjun!

Bae Yongjun~
I didn't really mention it in my last post. But I kind of like him, in that... I like him as a celebrity. Which, shamefully, puts me with a lot of middle-aged Japanese housewives... I also think knitting and cooking and enjoyable. Destined to be a housewife? I think not.

Anyways, the real purpose of this was just to give my new learned words from the game. I actually did 2 lessons today.... x:

Lesson 2:
가방 カバン
여권 パスポート

지갑 財布
돈 お金
휴대폰 携帯電話

밥 ご飯
빵 パン
우유 牛乳

시계 時計
전화 電話
신문 新聞
편지 手紙

Lesson 3:
어디에 있어요? どこにありますか?
왼쪽 左側
오른쪽 右側
위 上
아래 下
책상 机
의자 椅子
탁자 テーブル

싱크대 シンク台
냉장고 伶蔵庫
소파 ソファー

텔레비전 テレビ
옷장 たんす
책꽂이 本棚

가스렌지 ガスレンジ
세탁기 洗濯機

Spacing indicates the different steps.

In other news, I'm really liking a lot of the content that Japanese bloggers have to share about Korean. It's true that about half the time I'm at a loss for what exactly they're saying, but all the more incentive to work hard on my Japanese before working hard on my Korean.
If I can figure out how, I think I'm going to add a little side feed about the Korean-learning Japanese bloggers. They're all under my "Japanese Blogs 1" folder, but there are a few blogs unrelated to Korean, so I would first have to go recatogorize everything. Or I could just move them to my Korean folder and then do a general Korean feed? Ah well, I'll figure it out.



The festival was a lot of fun. I don't actually have that much to say about it. Other than... it was supposed to start at 7, but apparently 7 means 9? We got there about 9 and it seemed like most people were just starting to arrive. I guess it ended around 1, I had to leave earlier than that. I wish I could've stayed longer, but hey, at least I got to go at all.

In other news, Japan recently released a game called... ペ・ヨンジュンと学ぶ韓国語DS (Learn Korean with Pi Yongjun!). And I started playing it today. I tried a different game earlier, and it was alright, but so far, I think I like this game better.
It has little "steps" and lesson setups as you go.
So far.. Lesson 1... here is what I've learned:
Step 1: 안녕하세요 こんにちは
죄송해요 すみません
괜찮아요 大丈夫です
Step 2: 고마워요 ありがとう
안녕히 가세요 さようなら(送る側)
안녕히계세요 さようなら(去る
Step 3: 잘 먹을게요 いただきます
잘 먹었어요 ごちそうさま
Step 4: 천만에요 どういたしまして
또 만나요 また会いましょう

I suppose that's all I ought to do for today.
It's pretty simple, but there are somethings I hadn't learned before.

Now back to studying the ever important Chemistry...