

The festival was a lot of fun. I don't actually have that much to say about it. Other than... it was supposed to start at 7, but apparently 7 means 9? We got there about 9 and it seemed like most people were just starting to arrive. I guess it ended around 1, I had to leave earlier than that. I wish I could've stayed longer, but hey, at least I got to go at all.

In other news, Japan recently released a game called... ペ・ヨンジュンと学ぶ韓国語DS (Learn Korean with Pi Yongjun!). And I started playing it today. I tried a different game earlier, and it was alright, but so far, I think I like this game better.
It has little "steps" and lesson setups as you go.
So far.. Lesson 1... here is what I've learned:
Step 1: 안녕하세요 こんにちは
죄송해요 すみません
괜찮아요 大丈夫です
Step 2: 고마워요 ありがとう
안녕히 가세요 さようなら(送る側)
안녕히계세요 さようなら(去る
Step 3: 잘 먹을게요 いただきます
잘 먹었어요 ごちそうさま
Step 4: 천만에요 どういたしまして
또 만나요 また会いましょう

I suppose that's all I ought to do for today.
It's pretty simple, but there are somethings I hadn't learned before.

Now back to studying the ever important Chemistry...

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