
Bae Yongjun!

Bae Yongjun~
I didn't really mention it in my last post. But I kind of like him, in that... I like him as a celebrity. Which, shamefully, puts me with a lot of middle-aged Japanese housewives... I also think knitting and cooking and enjoyable. Destined to be a housewife? I think not.

Anyways, the real purpose of this was just to give my new learned words from the game. I actually did 2 lessons today.... x:

Lesson 2:
가방 カバン
여권 パスポート

지갑 財布
돈 お金
휴대폰 携帯電話

밥 ご飯
빵 パン
우유 牛乳

시계 時計
전화 電話
신문 新聞
편지 手紙

Lesson 3:
어디에 있어요? どこにありますか?
왼쪽 左側
오른쪽 右側
위 上
아래 下
책상 机
의자 椅子
탁자 テーブル

싱크대 シンク台
냉장고 伶蔵庫
소파 ソファー

텔레비전 テレビ
옷장 たんす
책꽂이 本棚

가스렌지 ガスレンジ
세탁기 洗濯機

Spacing indicates the different steps.

In other news, I'm really liking a lot of the content that Japanese bloggers have to share about Korean. It's true that about half the time I'm at a loss for what exactly they're saying, but all the more incentive to work hard on my Japanese before working hard on my Korean.
If I can figure out how, I think I'm going to add a little side feed about the Korean-learning Japanese bloggers. They're all under my "Japanese Blogs 1" folder, but there are a few blogs unrelated to Korean, so I would first have to go recatogorize everything. Or I could just move them to my Korean folder and then do a general Korean feed? Ah well, I'll figure it out.

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